Attraction and relationships expert Dr. Paul Eastwick joins host Chris Duffy and an incredible panel of comedians for this science comedy game show!

Produced by LabX, a public engagement program at the National Academy of Sciences, Wrong Answers Only is science comedy game show featuring celebrity guests who play games and quizzes while learning about exciting research with the help of a scientific expert.


Chris Duffy is a comedian, television writer, and radio/podcast host. Chris currently hos ts TED’s hit podcast How to Be a Better Human. He has appeared on Good Morning America, ABC News, NPR, and National Geographic Explorer. Chris wrote for both seasons of Wyatt Cenac’s Problem Areas on HBO, executive produced by John Oliver. He’s the creator/host of the streaming game show Wrong Answers Only, where three comedians try to guess what a leading scientist does all day, in partnership with LabX at the National Academy of Sciences. He has performed live in venues as big as a sold-out Lincoln Center and as small as a walk-in closet (also sold out). Chris is a former fifth-grade teacher and a former fifth-grade student. He is currently writing a nonfiction book about humor for Doubleday.


Paul Eastwick is a Professor in the Department of Psychology at UC Davis where he runs the Attraction and Relationships Research Laboratory. Paul studies how people initiate romantic relationships and the psychological mechanisms that help romantic partners to remain committed and attached.

Program Type

  • Wrong Answers Only


  • Dynasty Typewriter. 2511 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90057, USA