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In 2024, LabX, a program of the National Academy of Sciences, launched “LabX Out Loud,” an initiative designed to bridge the gap between science and the public by collaborating with popular musical artists. The goal is to inspire new connections between audiences and the scientific community, making science more accessible and engaging.

One of the standout collaborations from this initiative was with Grammy-nominated rapper Logic on his single “44ever.” This partnership marked a pioneering effort to integrate scientific themes and real scientists into mainstream music culture. The music video for “44ever” features two prominent scientists: Dr. Moogega Cooper, a Planetary Protection Engineer, and Dr. Anjali Tripathi, an astrophysicist and exoplanet explorer. Both have made significant contributions to NASA’s Mars rover missions.

The video was shot on the Aquarius III spaceship set, the same set used for a notable trailer in 2016. Directed by JT Clemente and Henry Smisek, the narrative showcases Dr. Cooper and Dr. Tripathi as crew members aboard the Aquarius III, highlighting their space exploration and engineering roles. This creative portrayal aims to inspire viewers by showcasing real scientists in a futuristic setting, emphasizing the human element behind scientific endeavors. 

Logic expressed his enthusiasm for the project, stating, “This is my favorite music video I’ve ever shot. I got to bring in my 15 biggest fans to a location that is so important to all of us.” His engagement with the scientific community reflects a commitment to elevating important issues through his art. 

Dr. Tripathi noted, “Logic has a great record of elevating issues in his music and videos. I was impressed and appreciative of his enthusiasm for science, and I would love for that enthusiasm and the accessibility of science to be conveyed broadly.”

"In a first of its kind collaboration, Logic has partnered with LabX – a program of the National Academy of Sciences, launching LabX’s new initiative called LabX Out Loud."

"[The video] highlights two scientists as crew members of the Aquarius III — Dr. Moogega Cooper is a Planetary Protection Engineer and Dr. Anjali Tripathi, an astrophysicist and exoplanet explorer, respectively – both of whom have contributed to NASA’s Mars rover missions."


"While the track itself is an absolute banger from start to finish, the one thing that could outshine the song is the music video."